We've seen great success with OSISS. The most important thing that OSISS does is to get people into treatment, because very often a person is reluctant to seek that treatment, but when they speak to someone who was in the same place they are now, who guides them into the treatment gateway, that gets them into the helping hands they really need to help them start on the road to recovery.
As I'm sure you were told by the mental health folks when they were here, the earlier we can get people into treatment, the better the chances that they will have a successful treatment plan are. OSISS is a huge component in that endeavour.
As far as the Veterans Transition Network goes, they've recently had meetings with the director of mental health and they've both come to the conclusion that it is not a clinical mental health program per se. It is more on the social support side. Just late last week, a copy of a proposed memorandum of understanding was sent to me by the director of mental health regarding a proposal to work with the Veterans Transition Network. I'm in the process of reviewing that now and will be meeting with the Veterans Transition Network in the fairly near future to discuss options.