There is no doubt that there have been advances in research and development. Earlier, you shared your opinion by talking about the difference between post-traumatic stress disorder from a peacekeeping mission and post-traumatic stress disorder from Afghanistan. I do not necessarily agree with you, but I am no expert.
Many soldiers who took part in missions such as the one in Bosnia are now veterans. Would it be a good idea to have them take part in the study, which would in turn provide more samples and help in making new discoveries? In light of that study, you might realize that we should have given these soldiers, who are now veterans, specific drugs or treatment, or provided them with certain support. Is there any interest in looking to the past, and acknowledging our mistakes and that we should proceed in a different way? It is good to help our current soldiers, but let's not forget those who have been veterans for a number of years now and all those who will become veterans. Your study is important in that sense.