For the summer of 2014, the activity is scheduled to take place from mid-August through mid-September, including deployment out and redeployment back, with the majority of the activity at the end of August and start of September.
We've got two lines of operation. The first is an Arctic search and rescue scenario, with a specific view to testing out some of the ideas and intent behind our international Arctic SAR Agreement that we signed onto a few years back through the Arctic Council work. That's the first scenario.
The second line of operations is a consequence management scenario, with a stricken vessel pulling up on shore somewhere along Frobisher Bay, and we have to deal with that situation. It becomes more a rescue as opposed to a search, involving all of the responders out of Iqaluit.
We offer our training venue as a platform for them to exercise and work on those areas that they think are important to them, and where they have to get better. That's worked really well as an approach to making it a more appropriate whole-of-government venue.
We will see elements from the army, navy, and air force participate. We're also expecting any SAR scenario to have a Danish ship and a U.S. ship participate, and there may well be other Arctic nation observers coming to have a look.