If any specific files are a source of concern for you, I would like to obtain the answer in writing, since another issue was raised in committee, and I would like to quickly discuss it with you.
The media recently reported that no francophone psychologist is on the ground in Afghanistan to serve our troops. The Canadian Armed Forces simply do not have a francophone psychologist in uniform. Some of our witnesses have told us that our military members do not necessarily need that type of service. They said that, as soon as psychological problems would appear to require more monitoring, the soldiers would be sent back home.
However, the Americans have those types of soldiers within their armed forces. They provided psychological services in English to our Canadian military members on the ground in Afghanistan, as necessary. National Defence acknowledged the existence of a problem in this area. A complaint has been filed with the Commissioner of Official Languages.
I find that the arguments put forward whereby this service is unnecessary are somewhat paradoxical. I would like to know how your office intends to deal with this issue.