From what I've been tracking, it's interesting. Canada has played an intriguing role in Russian threat perceptions relating to the Arctic. We've been mobilized by Putin since 2007 as the country or Arctic state that's arming, rebuilding, and preparing—to do whatever the Russian imagination wants to have us doing as a revisionist actor in the region—as though we are the country that's preparing for conflict along the lines Rob is suggesting, and that we're the country that's the catalyst for this arms race that's going on.
To Canadians this is shocking. We see ourselves as being reactive to events going on elsewhere. We're being created and constructed as that threat in Russia. As much as the language from 2009 to 2010 until early this year was getting more..... Even Minister Baird had a newspaper article at the beginning of the year stressing that as much as we disagree with Russia on issues like gay rights and other core areas, we typically get along with Russians in terms of the Arctic.
This seemed to do a quick turn after the aggression in the Crimea and the Ukraine, and the rhetoric has shifted. Putin expressed dismay that Canada was linking the two issues of Ukraine and the Arctic, and saying that it was a false connection. That's continued to play out in the Russia media as well that we're falsely conflating two separate issues, at least in the Russian mind. What they see as responding to legitimate nationalist interest in Crimea is in no way analogous to them taking offensive action in the Arctic when their interests are purely defensive. What we think of it and whether we believe it's credible is almost secondary to the fact that it has taken hold in Russia.
How they perceive the Canadian involvement in responding to the Ukrainian crisis more generally is beyond my area of expertise. I have tracked how it's translated into Arctic perceptions and they see it as another example, as Putin has said, of Canada outstepping its legitimate backyard. He said that if Canada had responded to some act of aggression in the Arctic they would understand that Canada is an Arctic nation like they are. For Canada to come and be engaging in something in Ukraine—which I support, just to put it on the record—in his mind is something that is outstepping our proper purview or our area of interest.