From my perspective obviously the budget is very important for me to be able to conduct operations but also to be able to conduct force generation, which is training for our troops. It's all about priorities. The budgets change every year. It is based on the budget that the Canadian Armed Forces gets but it is also is based on the budget that the Canadian Armed Forces provides to its various services. So if the air force is a priority in any given year our budget could be greater. Conversely, it could be less if for instance the army or the navy had more of an importance placed on their operations.
When we do this we obviously do a lot of planning. The military does great planning. It's what we do. We need to have contingencies and be prepared for everything. When I get the budget and I convert that into a yearly flying rate, the number of hours I can provide to specific fleets, which cover all the fleets we fly, I will then ensure that we get enough training hours in there to make sure that our crews are safe and effective. That is the primary thing that I need to make sure takes place and that we have a state of readiness available to provide to the Chief of the Defence Staff so he can commit those to operations.
The second thing I do, or the second priority that I place on it—