We meet twice a year. It's meant to be a forum where we bring together regional, federal, territorial, and key municipal emergency measures organizations, essentially any main stakeholder that has an interest in Arctic—we say Arctic security, but realistically it really is a spectrum from safety through security, and actually on the defence side, we're not often preoccupied with defence issues. It's mainly safety and security.
It's co-chaired by Public Safety, by the regional rep who's based in Yellowknife. What we attempt to do, aside from providing a forum for us to come together and share our respective challenges and our capability developments and evolutions, is make relationships. We normally try to set a topic for each of our engagements that will help float everyone's boat in terms of awareness and knowledge of a specific risk area or a problem area. We understand each other's mandates better, what resources are available to throw at any potential future response or crisis, and mostly it's about having pre-crisis relationships among all the main players before something comes along.
I think you can find that a number of times we'll raise topic areas that point to issues. We then try to hammer through those in operations that follow as scenarios.