We do have a lessons learned process for every operation or exercise we undertake so that would be available.
We were very lucky to be in that area on exercise at that time. So the response was quite quick and lives were saved. I know that.
I know as well that in a broader sense both Operation Nanook and Operation NUNALIVUT are specifically scheduled each year to be at a time of year when we have more activity and when there are potentially more dangers and risk for more search and rescue activity when we've got winter and summer adventurers. The fact that we choose those periods of time to bring our forces north to practise means they are closer and at hand when certain things come up. We were very fortuitous in this case but in other instances it's part of our plan to be up north operating and in the area in case some overly adventurous folks bite off more than they can chew and we get called in to assist.