That way, my comments and answers will be clearer.
In terms of risks and threats, there are evolutions in the climate. That's changing a number of things. Whether you're travelling in the summer via maritime means or travelling in the winter, as the weather patterns are changing, it affects almost everything you do. In terms of the impacts on the individuals in the communities, whereas before we might have relied on community knowledge for when the ice was good and we could go out and travel on it, they don't know as well as they used to what it's going to be like. That may show up in terms of incidents, or it may show up in terms of restricting certain activities or patrols that we ordinarily would have done.
We're also seeing increased activity. I would say it's on a linear progression as opposed to geometric. We're not seeing great numbers of additional cruise ships, but there are more, and there are bigger ones coming. There is more activity, with more adventurers going up in winter and summer, which we try to keep track of through open source information just so we're aware of what's going on and how we can respond.
How do we get better at that? We try to circle those areas. We discuss them at our Arctic security working group with all of our partners to see if we're seeing the same increases in risk and if we have the same appreciation that it may be a problem for one or more departments.
Then, where and when we can, we try to introduce those ideas into our scenarios for things such as Operation Nanook. We'll go out and simulate a cruise ship grounding down the bay in Frobisher Bay, and we'll all go through our respective parts to practise how we would call in for federal help: what the steps are, what the procedures are, who would integrate into whose team, and how that would play out. It really is quite an excellent collaborative approach.