The DART has about five functional areas. The first would be its medical element. It provides primary medical care, triage, and some limited evacuation capability, ambulance capability.
It's a small detachment of about 45 or so medical people. That doesn't take you very far. It can be very focused, but it's limited.
Then there's an engineering capability involving about 60 people. It provides for basic construction—horizontal and vertical—as well as some route clearance, engineering assessment, and water purification. Route clearance was the big function in the Philippines.
We have an aviation capability for mobility that can also deploy as well as a CIMIC capability so the coordination of support, specially trained individuals who are good at assisting and prioritizing and matching needs to resources in disaster zones.
I don't know if I got up to the five. I think there are five.
In addition there's a support element that keeps the DART functioning, another group of people who keep the DART going.
That's more or less, those are the capabilities that make up the DART.