Responding to the attack was a matter for law enforcement. Assessing the threat is something that we do. We were actually reassessing our threat posture to the events of Saint-Jean on October 20. We were doing that on October 22 when the unfortunate events here in Ottawa occurred. The process continued, and we continued assessing the threat, and then adjusted our force protection posture, we called it after that. We've done that periodically since that time and continue to do so.
We're also undertaking a full-scale review of our force protection procedures and what I'll call the doctrine that goes with it. Our previous directives predated the kind of threat that we see today out on the street, so we're going through a process right now. It should bear fruit for us in the next few weeks, couple of months, where we'll be internally having a different method to assess and respond to the threats organizationally.
That was what we did domestically. In your question you asked what we did outside Canada. We did the same thing. What we found was that most of our missions outside the country were already in a pretty advanced force protection posture. Many of them are in locations where the threat is pretty high already, so not much adjustment was required external to Canada.