I think Canada has done a very good job, sir, of policing its 200-mile economic exclusion zone and working with the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization to bring jurisdiction and governance to waters far more distant than even the Flemish Cap and the tail and nose of the Grand Banks. Canada's navy has been a strong partner with Fisheries and Oceans to serve as the taxi for their peace officers at sea. We have a very tight relationship and we share the procedures, the tactics, and the intelligence on how to conduct those fisheries patrols to maximum effect. Over the years, we have worked the international fishing fleets, the rogue fleets, and nations that are a little bit more assertive in the fishing domain. We have pushed them back, and there is a considerable amount of international respect earned for Canada's legislation and jurisdiction and regulation of the fisheries of the North Atlantic.
I would not say that this is our principal threat, although you mentioned it in your introduction. The principal threat from non-state actors is the use of the sea lanes—the big-box traffic that comes in thousands of containers per ship and the importation of illicit cargoes. They could be arms, explosives, precursor chemicals; they could be drugs. I would say that right now the most prevalent cargo threatening Canada is drugs. And it's not just the drugs; it's the revenue from the drugs, which is a destabilizing influence. We tend to take that battle to the Caribbean Basin and deal with it in depth. We don't tend to deal with it here.