Ma'am, with all due respect, I have to refer that question to the air force, which would be working on the purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles, but I do control the surveillance mission for the eastern seaboard of Canada. It's called Op Leviathan, and right now and going into the near-term future, I have adequate forces at my disposal. I'm working with the integrated maritime partnership of chartered flights from provincial aerospace, long-range patrol aviation of the air force, using the upgraded Aurora, which has just been modernized. The capability of that aircraft does not allow a linear correlation of the past to the future.
These new aircraft, the Cyclone and the Block III Aurora, are so capable that you must accept that there are going to be changes in force outlays of fleets of aircraft. We have the Block III. We are taking delivery of the Cyclone. We have a great relationship with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Environment Canada, and Transport Canada, and we all fly surveillance aircraft to monitor Canada's maritime space.