Okay, I understood the question.
We have a relationship second to none with the Canadian Coast Guard. The coast guard term, unfortunately, is a name of a service, the Canadian Coast Guard. The function of coast guarding is shared by many marine agencies, whether you're in Canada, United States, France, or anywhere. Some countries have the coast guard in the navy. In some countries, the coast guard is the navy. In Canada many of us share the coast guard function. I am a coast guard fonctionnaire. We have a very close relationship in guarding the coasts of the Canada with the Canadian Coast Guard. We plan our annual activities together. The navy plans its fuelling operations with the coast guard so we can reach way into the Arctic. We share platforms for fisheries patrol because the coast guard comes under the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. We help them crew the inshore rescue boats so we can learn small boat skills while providing boating safety with the coast guard in the recreational waters of Canada. The coast guard bases some of its inshore rescue stations at our naval reserve divisions.