The reservists augment the regular force crew. There is no reserve navy or regular force navy. We have moved to a “one navy” model and a “one navy” motto. We used to have the Kingston class completely crewed by reservists. We're moving away from that model, because it's unsustainable. It worked beautifully, but we burned ourselves out doing it. So we're going to a one navy model of reserves augmenting the regular force.
On those ships, 60% of the crews are reservists and 40% are going to be regular force. By this means we have gone from having three Kingston-class available on each coast to having five available. We're in the position of having four right now and are moving toward five.
This was one of our bridging techniques to get us by this capacity or readiness hole we’ve in as we modernize the main fleet. We're giving more tasks and more of the duty of the old reserve ship—but it's actually a one navy ship—in patrols in the Arctic. They were the ones that participated in the Franklin search, and four of them are in the counter-drug mission in the Caribbean right now. So we're putting more on the back of what used to be a reserve ship, but we're pairing the reservists with the regular force.