Thank you, Dr. Jackson.
I'm pleased to inform you that the CCA is also making our own direct contribution to improving MSK care. As part of our role in the recent DND expert panel on spinal health, the CCA has offered significant funding for a research project on five CF bases, introducing chiropractic care as part of the health care team. Our offer is currently under review. We are encouraged by the interest shown by CF leadership.
The chiropractic profession in the U.S. celebrates the opportunity to use their clinical skills on 51 military bases to improve the lives of their soldiers. We're here today hoping, with your support, to do the same for Canada's chiropractors. The evidence shows the strong value of chiropractic care.
We believe that a comprehensive MSK strategy will identify the importance of improved access to spinal manipulation delivered by chiropractors. The MSK strategy we propose should be a coordinated effort between the Department of National Defence, Veterans Affairs Canada, and other stakeholders to ensure that active and retired soldiers are provided the best care possible. There are many successful team care models, showing that each profession making its full contribution delivers better care at better value. We welcome the opportunity to be part of this solution.
Thank you very much for your time and attention. We'll be happy to take any questions.