The association agreement provides very specific chapters in all spheres of activities, and provides very concrete steps that have to be undertaken to reform the national economy, and to reform the justice sector, because that sector, unfortunately, needs urgent attention.
By the way, this is one of the reasons when I'm knocking at the door of the Canadian government, I keep saying that you have to be present with your huge democratic experience and try to share your expertise with our courts, because we need to ensure transparency of the courts. Sometimes you have a feeling that it's a state in a state. Unfortunately the judiciary has been quite corrupt, and that was the reason the government decided to take a very painful step and drastically increase their salaries, but keeping them accountable at the same time, to make sure there is no bribery in the judiciary any longer and that it is all transparent. The reform of the judiciary will be one of the priorities of the Moldovan government.
We have to make sure that we provide all the necessary conditions for entrepreneurs, especially small and medium enterprises, to have guarantees that the money they invest and the businesses they are opening are under the umbrella of the state. So we provide all of the necessary legal framework for them to work freely and have the support of the government.
Investing in education is the only way we can ensure that this country has a future. We're considered one of the best countries in terms of the quality of studies. We have a multilingual population. We speak several languages. Besides Moldovan, people very often speak Russian. They speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German. Living in this multilingual society, when these people finish school they have no competitive, well-paying jobs, and are looking abroad in search of better lives and better paying jobs. Investing in education and concurrently creating jobs for them to stay at home will perhaps be the third or fourth objective of my government.