In a conflict environment, we often talk about “post-conflict”. We say that peacekeeping forces are going in post-conflict. It's one of the mechanisms that happens after conflict. Let's call it conflict management.
We often deploy into conflict situations. The situations go down to lower levels of conflict, then they peak again and they go down again. Civilians who are receiving aid and assistance in a conflict environment are getting those basic needs met at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, either through humanitarian efforts, non-governmental organizations or international organizations that are deploying those resources to the people.
Then sometimes militaries go in. Sometimes it's considered disaster response, but it's still humanitarian aid. It's part of the reform of the situation. Defence actors can also be distributing similar types of programs and projects, sometimes aligned with NGOs and sometimes not. The civilians themselves can be compromised in their own personal human security if they receive the help of a uniformed faction, versus receiving the help of a so-called neutral impartial actor like an NGO.