Thank you very much for the question. We were very pleased and very excited to see the announcement of this position.
A high-level champion to support the implementation of Canada's many commitments on women, peace and security has been a long-standing request of members of our network. We see very much that the primary purpose of this position should be to catalyze the implementation of the commitments that already exist.
Our national action plan on women, peace and security is a complex document. It's a whole-of-government document. There are now new ministries that have signed on, but everyone—from Public Safety to Status of Women Canada to Global Affairs—is involved in implementing the national action plan. We see a critical role for this ambassador to be inward-looking and to help catalyze in making sure that all of these departments are working together. It is the first function, as you outlined in the policy function, but it's much more than that. It's not articulating policy but ensuring that the commitments we have made are resourced and actually actioned.
We would definitely see the second function—the ability to represent Canada at select forums—as a third and relatively low priority for this position. Certainly, involving Canadians in discussions should be an important piece of the remit of the ambassador as well.