There are indigenous recruitment programs that are quite successful. Bold Eagle, an army program, was the first, but there are also programs such as Raven, in the Royal Canadian Navy. The Air Force also has a program, but I forget what it is called. The Royal Military College of Canada also has ALOY, the aboriginal leadership opportunities year.
These programs are specifically designed to give indigenous persons an idea of military life. After doing these programs, participants often go to a recruitment centre.
The organization does not, however, have a specific aboriginal culture program for all members. Some programs are more specific, and there are certainly various programs to educate recruiters about different populations.
I would like to comment on your previous question. In our study, we had a question about gender, but there were not enough people who answered “other” for us to do a full analysis. That is why I let Mr. Okros answer because, in our study, we were not able to study that population for a lack of data.