I have a few general questions for you, based on some of the things you said.
You talked about great advances since 2008. You're seeing progress. You're seeing the culture change.
I see the culture change outside the military, as well. Ten years ago, nobody would talk about mental health. Now, with Bell Let's Talk and many other things, it's at the forefront in today's society.
Maybe I'm wrong about the 10 years; it might be eight, but it's there. It's definitely happening. That culture change you stated is happening.
Now, as a doer, because in my past life I used to be a doer—just a joke—how frustrating is the pace of this culture change? You woke up this morning and you read the story about the Silver Cross. Are you frustrated daily, and is that what continues to drive you? Are you happy with the pace of this culture change, these advancements?
I would like to hear a little bit more. I was rivetted when you were speaking, but you didn't go into too much depth on that.