Looking after the families of our military members is extremely important. I think we can all agree that regardless of what job you have, if in your family situation at home things aren't good, how can you function at work? Imagine what we ask our Canadian Armed Forces members to do, whether it's in training or operations. That's what this is about: making sure that we look after our families. Relocation is a significant challenge, which I learned when I became a minister. Most of my experience was in the reserves.
We wanted to figure out a way we could support the families. The military did tremendous work bringing together the leadership from the different provinces to talk about the barriers. We had a meeting I was able to attend in Toronto, where we brought representatives from all the provinces to talk about barriers and figure out the things we can actually do. Sometimes it is by simply changing the rules, whether it involves driver's licences or accreditation for various employment. That conversation has started.
One very important aspect we're trying to improve upon is having more doctors. Every time a military family moves, members lose their doctor. We have been working to rectify this. This is one important aspect. We have another meeting coming up in December.