The way it's done right now is, they highlight all of the support that exists in the military, but they're not all specifically for that. They say, “Well, we have health care providers and we have chaplains”, but they haven't been trained on these things. This is the support available. It's done; it's there, but it's not cognizant of these specific needs.
What is needed is either to create something separate or ingrain it in what's offered now. For example, the operational stress injury people are not trained for sexual trauma. They don't have peer support. Those are the kinds of things that are really needed in order for people to be able to have those kinds of supports and care they need.
Right now it's redirected to external agencies. In the new budget 2018, they said they were going to put $5 million over four years into external rape crisis centres in nearby bases in order to help victims. I'm not so sure that happened, because I haven't seen any victim centres get anything. Even if they did, how are they sure that this money is invested for that specific need? What was the scope, and how do they make sure that happened?
If you just outsource it, you make it a system that is inconsistent and care that is inconsistent for all victims, because it's led to local organizations all over the country.