Sexual misconduct is a really minor crime. I don't think it necessarily has a place in criminal court, that's for sure, but you mean military court. It's disciplinary.
My only concern about having it extended this way is that it will be led by people who are not properly trained and don't have the expertise, experience and knowledge. If we keep it the way it is right now, my concern is that there are so many of them. So many little actions are going to come up that burden the system for bigger cases. I think it's not a bad scenario to give it in summary hearings. However, you can't just give it to people who are trained the way they are now.
When I was in the three-day training, it was about learning the basics of the legislative process. This is not the kind of training you have for provincial victim support. They have social workers. They have people who have been working in this. If you get the person who happened to take the three-day training once, there's no way they're going to be able to. They don't receive anything about victims or trauma-informed care. They won't be equipped to respond to these things. If this happens, resources need to be invested to make sure it's done properly, and the accountability and the oversight are done.