I'll just add to that, Mr. Chair.
We already have a system in place that respects the rights of the member of the armed forces, while balancing off that we need to maintain good order, discipline and morale within the forces.
I fear that by going too far overboard on some of these summary hearings, which could potentially be penal in nature.... It's one thing to try someone through summary hearing because they didn't polish their boots, or their hair is too long or whatever, but when we start making decisions that really impact that member and are penal in nature, they have to have the right to bring it forward, if we're going to respect their charter rights.
No one deserves to have their charter rights respected more than those who serve in uniform. I would think that we wouldn't want to throw away those rights in expediency of administration of military justice. Until we actually see what's going to be underneath the regulations versus what's defined in the act, I think we have to err on the side of charter rights of individuals rather than the expedience of carrying out disciplinary action within the Canadian Armed Forces.
The other thing, as I was thinking through this, is what if you have one CO who is really hammering down hard? There isn't the opportunity for the member to say they'd rather go through court martial because they think they'll have a fairer trial than going before the CO who's going to be overly harsh in the way they're going to discipline.
There isn't that appeal process provided here, and I think this is a way we can probably give the member the chance to elect which way they wish to be tried.