Thank you for that question.
Certainly as you stated, sir, the hallmark of the summary hearing system is to create a non-penal, non-criminal administrative tribunal, and that the regulations would set forth the summary infractions, which is set forth in new section 2.
Mr. Bezan is quite correct that it is not in the act. The regulations will set it forth, as they currently do, in volume II of the QRs and Os in relation to summary trials.
In terms of things as stated by Mr. Spengemann—standard of proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, whether it's the right to be tried by an elect court martial or an appeal process—the very nature of this process is administrative with a bright line between the non-penal, non-criminal and the court martial, which would entail service offences and then all of those requisite rights according to the charter.
When one starts with a premise that's certainly within the regulations.... We will develop those regulations with a view that the government's intent in the bill is to develop a non-penal, administrative tribunal.