I am a little different from Rob Huebert when it comes to the Arctic in that I still see it as a region of co-operation. I think Russia and China know very well the maritime limits of Canada. They haven't pressed them. Nobody has more to lose in the Arctic than does Russia, and they prefer it to be an area of stability, because they are going to benefit most economically from that.
The same goes, so far, with China. That may not be the case in the future, but just as with our Atlantic and Pacific coasts, when we endeavour to make them zones of peace and allow for commercial traffic, the same probably should be said for the Arctic, and so there is an inconsistency that Canada has there, whereas we have the opinion that we prefer ships to stay out.
It will be very interesting to see what comes out of the reports from the Crystal Serenity and how much it costs Canada for that to go through without a hitch. It's something we have to keep tracking.