The various possible scenarios change considerably from region to region. My team is working on preparing possible scenarios. Ordinarily, we focus on things that are closer in time, things that should be happening within six months, for example. I agree that major changes should be anticipated because of climate change. However, the challenge is that those changes may take years to occur. Most of our resources are allocated to support current operations and operations that will take place in the next few months.
That being said, we also do larger studies, from time to time, to see what the consequences of climate change in Asia might be. We are particularly concerned about the possibility of storms, hurricanes, or other phenomena of that nature that could cause displacement of the population, but not necessarily migration, properly speaking.
We have also examined the migrations that are currently going on in Africa and the Middle East, but it is not always clear that those changes are caused by climate change. In fact, there are several other factors that have to be taken into account.
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