Thank you for your question, and thank you for your sons' service.
The question of why, or whether, to launch a senior staff assistance visit to RMC was one that I brought to the minister, We discussed it, and we moved ahead on it. I ordered it because there were a sufficient number of irregularities that happened in a relatively small student population. As a commander...and this is a premium institution for education and training, and it is the principal avenue by which we turn highly motivated young Canadians into great officers in the armed forces. We don't want anything to go wrong there.
Perhaps I was over-sensitive to that fact, given my concern with how we treat people, with Operation Honour, and with concerns about suicide, mental health, and the excellence of our institution. When I saw enough irregularities, I decided that we needed to act. I brought that to the minister. He absolutely concurred, and here we are.
I don't believe that at this juncture we're going to find anything really dramatic. I need to make certain that the Royal Military College continues to be a good unit in the Canadian Armed Forces, as it has been, and that the environment is appropriate for turning out young Canadians into officers. It's an institution that does a lot of things, but it does them all together to turn out educated young men and women as officers in the Canadian Armed Forces. We can't lose sight of that. It's not just a university. It's not just a unit. It does a lot of things. I had to make certain that it's working.
We had a recent spate of suicides, which will undergo their own investigations with boards of inquiry, and as we find those details out, those details will come to me, and I will put it all together in a mosaic of what we will discover about the Royal Military College. Like any institution in the armed forces, I want it to be superb in every respect. This particular staff assistance visit is to help us find out why there may be some challenges there, if there are.
I don't have anything. They haven't reported back to me. I'm not seeking any interim reports to say something that we would have to act on quickly to preserve the institution as we think it needs to be. I think this will be longer term, and probably in the range of effective investment and effective selection of leadership at all levels. It needs reaffirmation of its purpose to make certain that it remains an institution of excellence on the university scene in Canada, but also as a unit in the armed forces.