Okay. Thank you.
I have with me today over 140 letters from DND employees in my riding, and I know other members have received them. I'm going to deliver these to the Minister. They express a concern about the contracting out of operations in DND and the Canadian Forces, especially around maintenance, where we're bringing in outside contractors onto bases to do maintenance work that's traditionally been done by either DND or regular serving members.
The concern is very clear. Bringing a lot of non-DND personnel onto bases raises security concerns. The second concern they raise is that these contracts may, in fact, go to foreign companies, even though they might be allies. This raises some questions I know that Britain got themselves into with some of their contractors from countries that didn't agree with their military objectives.
Have you conducted a study about the possible impacts on combat readiness and security for the Canadian Forces to do with this contracting out of maintenance work and, if so, would you table that study with us?