It's a good question. It is quite a transition that one undertakes, going from civilian to military life.
One of the things we have introduced into the recruit training—I believe it happens in week two—is that they undertake a program called road to mental readiness. In addition to their learning about the culture as they go through their basic training, we also address with them knowledge about mental illness and strategies to deal with stress.
I believe we are starting to see some success with the introduction of this program at the recruit schools, in that we seem to be seeing a bit of an increase in the success of recruits going through the school. We sensitize them to their own reactions to things and help them understand where that might place them on what we call the continuum of mental health. We have it colour-coded, so as they reach different stages, they can realize that perhaps it's time for them to go and seek some assistance to deal with the stresses they may be facing or the symptoms they're experiencing.