Thank you, Commissioner.
Part of our task in the commissioner's office is to ensure that we are staying abreast and up to date on what is happening within CSE. We do that through the reviews we're conducting, through briefings we request from CSE in specific areas, and through demonstrations of particular systems we want to examine, whether or not we can determine that there may be risks to compliance or to privacy in those systems or in the activity. We then have a risk assessment to determine where risk is higher for particular activities. Then we assign a priority to begin conducting reviews. We have engaged on contract a computer engineer, for example, to help us better understand the technology.
However, it's incumbent on CSE, through ministerial directives and authorizations, to assist the commissioner's office in the conduct of our reviews. If we were to find that they were not, for example, willing to provide a certain presentation, briefing, or demonstration to us on a particular area we were interested in informing ourselves about, then the commissioner would speak to the chief and say “please”.