There have been two iterations of the Minsk agreement. It remains what's on the table in terms of the way forward, but both parties are saying, “After you.” The Russians are saying, “We won't act until you have the elections and the decentralization that were part of the Minsk agreement,” and Kiev is saying, “We won't do that until you pull forces back from the border.” I don't know how many Minsk agreements it's going to take, but I expect there will be more.
The Minsk agreement is criticized often in the Rada, and this talk of roles the UN might play working with the OSCE is really an indication that, so far at least, it looks like Minsk is not implementable, or at least it's not being implemented.
If you ask what the Europeans think of it, Angela Merkel regularly recites her belief that there is no military solution. Time and again she has said that, and that we have Minsk to work with. However many Minsk agreements it takes, that's a path we have to follow.