Hi. My name is Jazlyn Melnychuk, and I'm a political science student here at SFU.
Just on that note, it is a very interesting point, and I think an important point because if this weren't the case, then Russia wouldn't be spending so much effort on actually countering allies within...and the west in terms of its foundation and its values.
That brings me to a point about strategic communications, which actually hasn't been raised yet. I think that's a key aspect, especially with Canadian troops that are deployed in Latvia. There is a great effort on Russia's part to spread misinformation about what NATO allies are doing there, and in particular what Canada is doing there, what the forces are doing.
I actually see RT sources coming up on my Facebook feed, even though I have no mention of that whatsoever. You actually [Technical difficulty—Editor] the smallest aspects of Canadian students. It may start with something relatable, like a viral video, and then goes on to spreading misinformation once you've caught their attention.
I think it's important that Canada actually puts some focus on [Technical difficulty—Editor].