Mr. Chair, I would again restate the fact that in the established policy among NATO nations, it's the nation itself that is accountable for its own cyber concerns, which fall back to us to manage.
Your query into the cyber-health or well-being of NATO is outside my ability to answer, simply because it falls back to the fact that the mandate of cyber for NATO rests with the agency. We do participate in the supervisory board of that agency—the board of directors, essentially—where we ensure resources and policy are in place for them to succeed. Operationally, however, they're accountable to the North Atlantic Council, so it's very much NATO business. We couldn't possibly speculate as to the threat and risk of NATO cyber.
I could ask Rich to describe our awareness of how they are set up to handle incidents or how they are set up to react, but I'm not in a position to state the relative health of NATO cyber at this time.