Let me open, and then I will ask Commodore Feltham to comment on potential policy gaps internationally in cyber engagement or the rules of engagement, if you will, for cyber.
I can tell you that in my experience we've realized the reality that every nation has a different set of legislative and policy constructs for their respective militaries to engage in cyber activities. Some nations fully endorse offensive cyber, while others are completely prohibitive. There's a real variation as you wander around the globe and look at different constructs. I think Canada is looking at its options. Our policy of “Strong, Secure, Engaged” has proposed a scope for cyber—an arc of fire, if you will—that is reasonable, and we've been given explicit direction to implement that.
Commodore Feltham, if there are any activities within NATO or other fora with regard to establishing policy around rules of engagement for cyber, I'd ask you to explain.