Thank you very much for the question.
We are in a growth phase in materiel procurement and support. Our resources are sufficient for the contracts we have right now. Since various projects are coming to an end, however, some of the staff assigned to them will be assigned to projects related to the new defence policy. As indicated, the group at National Defence that I direct is growing.
As to the second part of your question, I have to say that we are in particular assessing the effectiveness of the entire process, and not just at National Defence. We are assessing needs and preparing requests for proposals and so forth. We can, however, rely on assistance from our colleagues at other departments, Privy Council and Treasury Board in particular.
To continue to implement the defence policy, we have to continue to grow, and that is our intention. About 100 people join our group every year. We are in discussions with other departments and agencies to make sure that we can continue to move forward on these projects as they are ready.