Thank you for that.
First of all, on the Arctic, by the way, the members of the assembly who are Arctic powers, if you like, have ensured that it features regularly on the assembly's agenda. For example, this year one of our committees is going to be specifically looking at search and rescue capabilities, and they have made sure that our members resist the temptation to be exclusively south-focused and actually look at the particular challenges that are changing in the Arctic region.
In fact, that leads me to how, as an organization, we do a tremendous amount in terms of heightening awareness of what the alliance does, where it does it, and how it does it, and what the peculiar circumstances of each of our nations are so that we make sure that members from Greece and Turkey appreciate what the high north looks like and what the challenges are, and why they should be concerned about it, in the same way that we hope you will go to Greece and Turkey and see what issues they are concerned about. We have a specific program whereby we are seeking to look at the way NATO is taught academically, and also the way it's dealt with within Parliament and what lessons can be learned. For example, if you speak to the Baltic states, they'll say it's taught really well in schools and every single parliamentarian knows everything about NATO. Then with some of the old, traditional allies, we totally take it for granted and don't realize frankly that it's part of our DNA, and we need to appreciate it better instead of making jokes about it sometimes and taking it for granted.