Thank you very much indeed, Mr. Chairman. I will do my utmost to be as succinct as James was.
I would like to talk about the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, because it's a dimension of NATO membership that has, obviously, from the name, a very specific benefit to parliamentarians, and it's directly relevant to that. During the Qs and As I'd be very happy to go into the sort of substantive issues the assembly deals with, but if I could, I'd like to talk about the value, if you like, of the organization within the NATO framework, with just a minimal bit of history.
When NATO was created in 1949, of course it was a very different world. Nobody thought in those days of adding a parliamentary dimension. It's not in the treaty at all. After 1949 the initiative to create some form of parliamentary organization for NATO came from parliamentarians themselves—led, incidentally, by the Canadian Senate. By 1955 there was enough momentum for the parliaments of the NATO countries to say, “We should be meeting. We should be discussing NATO issues.” There was enough value in that, it was felt, for NATO itself to support the creation of the forerunner of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
So it wasn't part of the treaty, but was created by parliamentarians themselves and is gradually become very much a part of the NATO family of organizations.
It's instructive to look at what motivated the founding fathers. I say “fathers”, because of course in those days they were all fathers. They looked at the treaty incredibly creatively, in a good way, bearing in mind that in 1955 the Cold War was in full sway. They looked at the treaty itself. I'm sure you're familiar with the treaty. It's a nice succinct document. In the preamble there's the crucial phrasing that the allies are “determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law”. Then there's article 2, which is actually often referred to as the “Canadian” article, which says that NATO effectively is much more than simply a military alliance. It talks about promoting the further development of peaceful and friendly international organizations, strengthening free institutions, and bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which our free institutions were founded.
The parliamentarians who founded the assembly wanted the assembly to look at the issues that affected the community of NATO nations, not just the narrow security issues, which was incredibly broad-minded. Bear in mind, this was the height of the Cold War, so built into the organization's DNA is looking at issues that now are mainstream, even in a security context, such as environmental issues, human rights, rule of law, and all those things. It's been interesting that since the end of the Cold War, the NATO agenda has become more like the assembly's agenda, but as a concept, it also explains why the assembly is so enduring, as is the alliance.
When people ask, “What is the alliance for?”, as they often do, it is in fact a remarkably appropriate question, because the alliance fundamentally is for those values, not against something. The “against” can change, of course, as the threat environment changes, as there are different threats and challenges, but what the alliance stands for remains enduring. That's very much at the heart of the assembly.
The goals were to provide a direct link between NATO authorities and the parliaments. National parliamentarians' defence committees, of course, play a crucial role in oversight in many of our countries and in determining the use of their forces in operations. Indeed, parliaments also ratify treaty changes. If there's a new member to the alliance, that has to go through parliaments. The idea was that creating a cadre of MPs in each NATO nation who were really familiar with NATO thinking was of benefit of them in their national work, and also to the alliance as a whole. The idea was also that we would broaden the crucial trans-Atlantic link by adding a parliamentary dimension to it to make sure that there weren't just governments talking to each other but legislators from both sides of the Atlantic. Again, that was built into the founding aims of the organization. The final one was to promote the aims and values of the alliance. I suppose, since the end of the Cold War, we've also added doing that within partner nations, as well.
As a bureaucrat, it's so tempting, but I won't go into the committee structures and all the different wiring diagrams that we have.
We're a parliamentary organization. We have committees, we have subcommittees, we have seminar programs, we have training programs, and we do all sorts of stuff all over the place. At the small end, it can just be a visit of our president, one MP, up to a session, which can actually involve 350 MPs, possibly 750 participants, and all points in between, those different meetings.
We organize about 35 activities per year. If you look at the parliamentary working year, almost every week there's a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly taking place somewhere. Most of those meetings are within alliance countries, but it does change. We find ourselves going to partner countries sometimes as far afield as North Korea—not to North Korea, but about North Korea—South Korea, Japan, Australia, and, of course, the Gulf and the Middle East, depending on circumstances.
As a consequence of the visits that we make, the meetings that we hold, and the reports.... We do about 17 reports per year. Four of those rapporteurs, by the way, are Canadian, so you're doing extraordinarily well, I would say, for us. They are sources of information for parliamentarians. We aim to produce the best 20 pages on any subject that we address.
As a consequence of that, they find a much broader audience. If you Google a report topic that we're dealing with in NATO, the chances are that you'll get us on the first page. There's a lot of interest in the output that informs national parliaments as well, particularly in some parliaments that don't have the same resources as you do, as the Americans do, and as the U.K. does. There are some where the library resources and research capability is much, much lower. The value added for them is massive within the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
It's not directly a spinoff, but in terms of the contacts between parliamentarians, it's quite remarkable how meetings where parliamentarians come together with their counterparts from other countries can have all sorts of different benefits. I could go into many different examples.
One that I heard just recently was a rather strange one from a former member of our Dutch delegation who is now a government minister. He said that one of the things that had proven remarkably valuable to him was that although he hadn't had much to do with the upper chamber in his own parliament, as a consequence of meeting members of the upper chamber within the context of the assembly, he was able to deal with them and he could work across both chambers very quickly because of the surprising spinoff, even in his own parliament.
The work that our parliamentarians do makes us a real sounding board for ideas. It's almost a parliamentary think tank, and it demonstrates the art of the politically possible. Each of our delegations represents the political spectrum within the alliance, so you can see how an idea will evolve and develop, what will fly and what will not fly, and who thinks what. It's a tremendous indicator of prevailing political opinion and is followed as such rather closely.
We do play a part in strategic messaging. We get lots of hits on the website. We know, for instance, that the Russians follow what we do very closely indeed. That is very much appreciated by members and partners alike, because they see us very much as being on the side of the angels in terms of strategic messaging.
As for what we do with partner countries, there are many benefits, but one crucial role that we play is what I would call “de-demonizing” NATO. When we go to places where NATO is not well understood—for example, the Gulf or North Africa— there is an incredibly stereotypical Cold War view of the alliance, which is of an American general in uniform with a nuclear weapon behind him. Then they see us, and we're incredibly non-threatening and we're talking about human rights, values, democracy, and rule of law, and this is NATO. So we provide tremendous value added to the alliance, because we actually take the demon, if you like, out of perceptions of the alliance wherever we go.
For NATO itself, they recognize the organization as being a wonderful constituency for them. It's one-stop-shopping for getting a message across to parliaments. For example, next week one of our meetings will entail specifically members only. We're bringing about 120 members of Parliament to Brussels where they will meet all the key NATO personnel working on issues from emerging security challenges to intelligence co-operation to Afghanistan. The heads of the delegation and the North American delegations will actually have a meeting with the North Atlantic Council.
Our policy recommendations go to NATO. We get a formal reply. The NATO secretary general appears twice a year. Our president speaks at the summits.
I could spend another half-hour talking about our president's own agenda, but he is working very hard to build synergies with other international organizations and other parliamentary bodies, and also to see how we can help get the message about NATO and what NATO does more into our education systems and into our Parliaments.
I will stop.