I don't have a view on the amount that the United Nations is focused on, but I was in Iraq a couple of times, and that country, quite honestly, is falling to pieces. The conflict over the course of the last little while has left it devastated.
I think it was the Iraqi Prime Minister who declared victory not too long ago. I think that is a significant mistake. This is not a conflict like World War II where you can declare from one day to the next that you've won. I think large parts of the Iraqi territory if they are not still under the control of Daesh have elements there that are going underground, and they're going to revert from more or less traditional warfare to insurgency or terrorist activity.
While we work on development of one sort or another, we have to maintain a basic level of security. I don't think they have that yet. I think the UN's probably right that they need a massive investment of money, but to use the vernacular, it ain't going to work if we—NATO, Canada, the U.S., the coalition of the willing that Rob was talking about—don't somehow continue to help Iraq maintain some basic level, to use our expression, of peace, order, and good government, because they do not have that now.