If you're looking for a world free of nuclear weapons, the U.K. is a good place to start. We have been working toward it, along with other allies within NATO, for some considerable time. However, it takes more than two to tango. You need people to agree that it's a good idea.
Part of the problem we have is that some countries, like North Korea, are emerging and developing their skills. We have tried to contain others, such as Iran, that have been working on developing their skills. We're very unsure about where Russia is going with its talk of creating new capability.
There is an increased tension about whether or not we are moving toward a different nuclear risk in the world today. We also have indications from Russia that commitment to non-use of first strike is not as strong as it used to be. As such, I think we have to be aware that we have to protect ourselves and that nuclear weapons are part of our arsenal. We're very clear that NATO is a defensive alliance and that there will be no first strike. But we also have to look at emerging economies and emerging threats where nuclear capability is being developed and try our best to make sure that this technology is limited and does not spread into areas where tension and conflict would be more likely to create a problem with the actual use of such weapons without agreements about non-use of first strike.