Thanks, Minister. I would start by building on the minister's point. There are about 12,000 relocations per year in the Canadian Armed Forces. A lot of those are related to people joining. A number of those are related to people who are going on career courses that are of protracted duration. A number of those are rotating positions abroad to NATO and NORAD positions, those operational headquarters, etc. Amongst those 12,000 relocations, we have a consistent evaluation metric in our military personnel command of how it's going, what the costs are. We've noted that there's a modest trend of increase in the overall expenses related to that.
As we've been monitoring, we've recognized very quickly the dissatisfaction with a number of aspects of the current Brookfield BGRS contract: things related to the relocation card, which was widely reported on, and we understood that impact immediately. Within a number of days of getting those kinds of indications, we shifted over to direct fund transfers to individuals. We've augmented the ability of members to get direct access to clerks and staff on the departmental side to address that.