I will call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 10 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of September 23, 2020.
The proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website.
Right now, we'll welcome our witnesses.
I'd like to welcome all our witnesses today.
Your presence is very important to us. We appreciate the time you've set aside for us.
We have four witnesses today.
We have Rear-Admiral Geneviève Bernatchez, who is the judge advocate general. With her today is Colonel Jill Wry, deputy judge advocate general; and Colonel Rakesh Jetly, senior psychiatrist, director of mental health, Canadian Forces health services group.
We also have Ms. Kyndra Rotunda, professor of military and international law at Chapman University.
We'll go in that order for the opening statements. Once the opening statements are completed, we will hand it over to the committee members for their questions.
I would ask Rear-Admiral Geneviève Bernatchez, judge advocate general, to begin, please.