From an, I'll say, Canadian Armed Forces..., I can start with health services. Things in terms of health services—for a suicide attempt or a self-harm attempt—begin with a careful assessment to identify what illness is perhaps causing it. There are illnesses like major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, which to lay people may be similar, but they're quite different. Then we apply the evidence-based treatment.
The entire focus there.... I think it's very interesting. In the military, we grow up with putting our our careers and the organization first. We put our families second, and we usually put ourselves third. What we demand of people at this time is to turn that completely upside down and to focus on themselves for self-care. The leadership has been, in my mind, almost always supportive. They put themselves in front, put their families second, put their careers and the missions behind, and focus on the care. We attempt to provide the evidence-based care—whether it's psychotherapy, medication, vocational rehab, retraining or whatever is needed—with the number one aim of getting people better. The number two aim is to help keep their careers and help keep them in the Canadian Armed Forces if that's what they desire. If not, we make sure that there's a smooth transition to Veterans Affairs, if they're eligible, but otherwise to the civilian system.