I will not speak on behalf of the CAF. I will speak as a general who's working with the agency. I can tell you we've identified with our partners, with the provinces and territories and federal stakeholders, potential risks: risks in terms of cyber, of misinformation and disinformation; and physical risks to shipments, exports and several other things for which we have mitigations. Other mitigations are our continuous quest as we continue to adjust and share information appropriately. We have close coordination with law enforcement agencies, because security remains a key consideration in our planning throughout for all vaccines, all forms and methods of delivery. We pay attention to all those things on a continuous basis. Law enforcement agencies and other services and agencies, federal down to the provincial, territorial, regional level, are in close coordination and ensure the appropriate actions are taken in anticipation of potential problems.
I can't go into specifics beyond that in the unclassified domain, but I want Canadians to rest assured that we are very much paying attention to the things you would expect us to pay attention to.