That's not totally what I meant, so I may not have expressed myself properly.
What I meant is not so much the CAF capability but what we at the agency have brought to bear to distribute at scale. For instance, companies like the logistics service provider joint enterprise FedEx and Innomar, that Canada has a contract with to distribute all vaccines but Pfizer-BioNTech. They are a legit, robust transportation shipping company with experience and expertise with pharmaceuticals. They are distributing across the country to points of delivery that provinces and territories have identified.
Some provinces and territories wish to have more and leverage that more. Others prefer to have a mix of what they have in their own system and leverage the federal contract. Where they identify gaps and risk areas, particularly as we scale up with millions of vaccines per quarter, we continue to encourage them to leverage to the maximum extent what we can do with the federal contract and subcontractors controlled by FedEx and Innomar.