I would.
In terms of return on investment, you won't get much of a difference. It's really the culture to be able to discuss openly issues surrounding mental health, to discuss suicide or suicide ideation within the ranks. Military leaders need to be more open, show humility and discuss this with their troops to show that they're human, that the challenges they face at home and professionally match what others are facing and that there's a broad spectrum of these issues.
The minute we are more open about it, the minute that culture shifts, there will be less of these surprises, because they won't be surprises. There will be a greater dialogue among peers with the chain of command, helping those members get the services they need.
It's really about cultural change and putting those resources toward increased awareness training, increased mandatory training and creating metrics. We need to create targets that leaders need to strive for and reach, because they'll be measured on it annually. That's where you will get the best return.