Madame Gallant, thank you for that. This is exactly why I do not like this practice of naming witnesses in motions. It adds this additional layer of complexity to an issue that's already complex enough. I don't disagree with what you're saying. It's trying to find that....
I think where we are now is that we'll be able to call whatever witnesses we want. We do not need them to be specified in the motion. When we do specify witnesses in the motion, this is where we end up. We end up evaluating each individual witness, pro and con, and it makes it really very difficult to do. So I'm not inclined to support motions that....
If it's in order, it's in order. If it's out of order, it's out of order. It's not quite clear here. I mean, the practice of the House kind of guides us, but I must admit to being reluctant to....
If it's a valid motion, it's a valid motion, and we'll deal with it, but I don't want to see this encourage future behaviour in the design of motions so that we end up tied up in knots instead of being able to do it the way we've done it for the last few months. I think we've done a good job. People have put witnesses forward in good faith, and in good faith we've gone out and gotten them. It's not pure, but it's definitely something that needs to be taken into account.
I will let the clerk read what he was working on.
Go ahead, Mr. Clerk.