In this case, Mr. Vance is the only person who could have laid disciplinary charges.
Furthermore, if the new Chief of the Defence Staff decides to lay disciplinary charges against Mr. Vance, he will request a court martial. This type of trial requires a five-member jury of a rank equal to or higher than that of the person charged. Since Mr. Vance has the rank of general, only the new Chief of the Defence Staff has a rank equal to that of Mr. Vance. I remind you that the jury must be composed of five members and, of course, the person laying the charges cannot be on the jury. So this is a serious problem that will have to be addressed, and quickly.
What is the usual reaction of subordinates when their superior engages in sexual misconduct? Are they usually reluctant to report it?
How does the current system protect victims and whistleblowers if the supervisor may be made aware of the charges against him?