Certainly, if there had been on March 1, 2018—as we have been told—this conversation where this allegation of abuse was brought forward, this certainly would have impacted whether he would have received his raise. He probably would not receive a raise with that allegation. It is troubling to think that this information was out there, and that this raise happened after the fact.
The other thing I would like to ask here is about the way the Privy Council has handled this. When there was the slightest allegation against the Governor General, immediately, there was a big investigation done through a third party. Consultants were brought in, and it was a very broad investigation. There was, in fact, at that time not even any formal complaint. Now we are talking about allegations, yet then nothing was done at all.
Is there not a double standard going on here with the Privy Council and the way it handled one versus the way it is handling the other one?